WellHello Review 2024 – An In-Depth Look at the Popular Dating Platform

Last Updated 2023-07-18

Pros & Cons

  • - WellHello users are looking for casual and fun encounters, so if you're not into commitment, it's the perfect platform to connect with like-minded individuals.
  • - The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate even if you're new to online dating; finding potential matches and starting conversations is a breeze.
  • - WellHello offers various communication features such as chat rooms and video calls, allowing you to explore your connection in different ways before taking things offline.
  • - Limited free features make it difficult to truly connect with potential matches without considering a paid membership.
  • - The abundance of fake profiles can be frustrating and time-consuming, making it challenging to find genuine individuals who are looking for a real connection.
  • - WellHello's interface and design may appear outdated compared to other modern dating apps, lacking the aesthetic appeal that many users desire.

How Does WellHello Work?

WellHello is an online dating platform designed for individuals seeking casual encounters and hookups. Created in 2015, the site quickly gained popularity among singles looking for no-strings-attached relationships. With a user-friendly interface and straightforward design, WellHello makes it easy to navigate through the site and find profiles that match your preferences.

On WellHello, users can search for potential partners based on various criteria such as location, age range, and interests. The platform hosts a diverse range of users from different backgrounds and orientations.

Whether you are looking for straight or LGBTQ+ connections, there are plenty of options available.

One of the key features of WellHello is its messaging system, which allows members to connect with each other through private messages. This enables users to engage in conversations outside the public eye and establish meaningful connections before taking things further. Additionally, the site offers video chatting capabilities for those who prefer face-to-face interactions. Overall, WellHello provides a convenient and discreet platform for like-minded individuals to explore their desires without any judgment or commitment.

How to Make Contact on WellHello

Looking to connect with others on WellHello? This section will cover the various contact options available on the platform, allowing you to easily reach out and interact with potential matches.

  • WellHello provides a chat feature that allows users to communicate in real-time with each other.
  • Users can message each other privately, sharing text messages and photos.
  • The platform also offers the option to video chat with other users, enabling face-to-face conversations online.

Users on WellHello have a variety of options to make contact and connect with others. The platform provides a search feature that allows users to find individuals based on specific criteria such as location, age, or interests. Additionally, users can browse through the member directory to view profiles and initiate conversations with those who catch their interest. Private messaging is available for one-on-one communication, while the chat rooms provide an opportunity for group discussions and interaction among members sharing similar preferences.

To enhance user connectivity further, WellHello offers features like Flirtcasts and Like Gallery. Flirtcasts enable sending flirty messages to multiple potential matches simultaneously, maximizing chances of initiating conversation. The Like Gallery presents photos of different members where users can quickly swipe left or right indicating whether they are interested in connecting or not. These diverse tools facilitate finding like-minded individuals on WellHello and establishing connections in an effortless manner.

Registration Process

Are you interested in joining the WellHello community? Registration on WellHello is a quick and simple process that allows individuals to create an account and start exploring the platform's features.

To register on WellHello, follow these three steps:

  1. Visit the WellHello website.
  2. Click on the "Sign Up" button or link.
  3. Fill out the required information including your email address, password, and basic profile details.

Please note that additional verification steps may be necessary to complete the registration process.

To start creating a profile on WellHello, you will need to visit the website via your preferred internet browser. Once there, look for the "Sign Up" or "Create Account" button prominently displayed on the homepage.

To create a profile on WellHello once registered, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your WellHello account using your registered email address and password.
  2. Once logged in, locate the "Profile" or "My Profile" tab/button on the navigation menu or homepage.
  3. Click on the "Profile" tab/button to access your profile settings.
  4. On the profile settings page, you will see several options such as "Edit Profile," "Upload Photos," or "Update Preferences."
  5. Begin by clicking on the "Edit Profile" option to start customizing your profile information.
  6. Fill out the required fields such as your username, age, gender, location, and a brief introduction about yourself.
  7. If there are additional optional fields available like height, weight, relationship status, etc., provide the requested information if desired.
  8. Scroll down further to find more sections for adding personal details such as interests, hobbies, preferences, or other details you wish to share on your profile.
  9. Take your time to carefully and accurately fill out these sections while keeping in mind the kind of information you want to present to others.
  10. After completing the necessary sections, review your profile to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.
  11. To enhance your profile, consider uploading high-quality photos of yourself by selecting the "Upload Photos" option.
  12. Follow the instructions to select images from your device and upload them to your profile gallery.
  13. Once uploaded, make sure to arrange the photos in an order that represents you best by dragging and dropping them accordingly.
  14. Ensure that the photos chosen reflect your personality and adhere to any guidelines or restrictions mentioned by WellHello.
  15. Finally, click on the "Save" or "Update" button at the bottom of the profile settings page to save all changes made to your WellHello profile.

Remember, while creating your profile, it's essential to provide accurate and genuine information to ensure a positive and authentic experience on WellHello.

Interface & Design

The interface of WellHello is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate through the platform. The main dashboard displays all the key features conveniently, allowing users to access their messages, likes, and matches effortlessly. The design incorporates a modern and clean aesthetic, with a simple color scheme that enhances readability and clarity of information. Additionally, WellHello offers various customization options for profiles and preferences, ensuring that users can personalize their experience according to their preferences.

The design of WellHello focuses on simplicity and functionality.

The menus are logically organized and easily accessible, enabling seamless browsing between different sections of the app or website. The layout promotes efficient use of space without overwhelming the user with excessive visuals or cluttered elements. Furthermore, interactive buttons and icons enhance usability by providing clear indications of available actions or selections. Overall, the interface and design of WellHello contribute to a smooth user experience that facilitates effective communication and interaction within its community.

What I Liked as a User

During my four-week trial period on WellHello, I found several aspects of the platform to be quite enjoyable. The wide range of user profiles allowed me to explore various types of connections and preferences within the online dating realm. Additionally, the intuitive interface made navigation effortless, enhancing my overall experience during my time using WellHello.

  • Large and diverse user base: I have found that WellHello has a significant number of active users, which increases the chances of finding someone who matches my preferences. The platform attracts individuals from various backgrounds and interests, allowing for greater exploration and interaction opportunities.

  • User-friendly interface: WellHello offers an intuitive and well-designed interface, making it easy to navigate and use the site effectively. The layout is clean and organized, ensuring a seamless browsing experience. I appreciate how straightforward it is to search for potential matches and engage in conversations without any unnecessary complications.

  • Effective communication features: The platform provides multiple ways to communicate with other members, including private messaging, chat rooms, and video chats. These features enable me to connect with others based on my preferred method of interaction. I enjoy the flexibility offered by WellHello, as it allows me to adapt my approach depending on the situation or the person I am engaging with.

  • Responsive customer support: Whenever I've encountered issues or had questions related to the website, WellHello's customer support team has been quick to respond and provide assistance. Their professionalism and effectiveness in resolving any concerns I may have had contribute significantly to my positive experience with the platform.


The free features on WellHello include creating a profile, browsing through other user profiles, and using basic search filters. The paid features provide access to advanced search options, the ability to view full-sized photos of members, and unlimited messaging. One unique feature on WellHello is the "Whisper" function which allows users to send private messages that automatically disappear after being read.

Some additional premium features offered by WellHello include viewing videos on member profiles, participating in live webcam chats, and accessing a mobile app for convenient dating on-the-go. Overall, WellHello offers a range of functionalities that cater to users looking for casual encounters and hookups.

  • Easy registration and user-friendly interface: WellHello offers a straightforward sign-up process and a simple-to-navigate interface, making it hassle-free for users to start using the platform.
  • Wide range of communication tools: The platform provides users with various communication options including chat rooms, private messaging, and video chat, enabling them to connect and interact in multiple ways.
  • Advanced search filters: WellHello offers advanced search filters that allow users to specify their preferences and quickly find matches based on criteria such as age, location, interests, and more.
  • Safe and secure: The platform prioritizes user safety with features like photo verification and profile validation, helping ensure that members are genuine and reducing the risk of encountering fake profiles or scammers.
  • Mobile app availability: WellHello is accessible through its mobile app, allowing users to stay connected and engage with others while on the go.


By getting a paid subscription to WellHello, users can enjoy a range of benefits such as unlimited messaging, access to advanced search filters, and the ability to view full-sized profile pictures. The pricing for WellHello is competitive compared to other similar platforms in the market, offering flexibility with various membership options to suit different budgetary needs.

While it is possible to use WellHello without paying, free users have limited functionality and may find their experience restricted compared to those with a paid subscription. To make the payment process convenient for users, WellHello accepts multiple payment methods including credit cards and online payment services.

Subscription Plan Price (USD) Features
1-month $29.95 - Full access to profiles
- Unlimited messaging
- View private photos
- See who viewed your profile
- Advanced search filters
------------------- -------------- ---------------------------
6-month $69.90 - All features from the
1-month subscription plan
- Save up to 50% of total cost
- Priority customer support
- Become eligible for rewards
------------------- -------------- ------------------------------
12-month $119.88 - All features from the
6-month subscription plan
- Biggest savings, offering a
significant discount per month
- Exclusive VIP badge on profile
- Attend special events and parties

Note: Prices and features are subject to change. It is recommended to visit the official WellHello website for the most up-to-date information.

Free Services

  • Messaging: WellHello allows users to send and receive unlimited messages for free.
  • Profile browsing: Users can view other user profiles on the platform at no cost.
  • Photo viewing: WellHello offers access to all user photos, allowing free photo browsing.
  • Searching: The platform enables free searching and browsing of user profiles based on various criteria.
  • Likes: Users can express interest by sending unlimited likes to other users without any charges.
  • Matches: WellHello provides free matching suggestions based on user preferences.
  • Chat rooms: Users have access to chat rooms where they can engage in conversations with other like-minded individuals at no cost.

Paid Services

  • Unlimited messaging: Subscribers can send and receive unlimited messages on WellHello platform.
  • Premium search filters: Paid users have access to advanced search features, allowing them to refine their search criteria based on specific preferences.
  • Full-sized photos: Subscribers can view full-sized photos of other members, enabling a more detailed profile exploration.
  • Video chatting: WellHello offers video chat functionality for paid members, providing a more interactive and personal communication experience.
  • Priority customer support: Paid users receive priority assistance from the customer support team, ensuring quicker resolution of any issues or concerns.
  • Ad-free browsing: Subscribing to WellHello eliminates ads, resulting in a seamless and uninterrupted browsing experience.
  • Advanced privacy settings: Paid members can customize their privacy settings to control who sees their profile and personal information.
  • Access to private galleries: WellHello offers an exclusive feature where paying users can gain access to private photo galleries of other members.
  • Flirtcast feature: Subscribers can leverage the Flirtcast tool to send flirty messages simultaneously to multiple potential matches.
  • Profile boosting: Paid users' profiles are prioritized and displayed more prominently, increasing visibility and exposure.

A premium membership on WellHello offers several advantages over the free version. It provides users with unlimited messaging capabilities and allows them to view full-size profile pictures, making it significantly more convenient for connecting with other members.

Profile Quality and User Base

  • WellHello profiles stand out due to a combination of detailed personal information and an emphasis on sexual preferences.
  • Unlike other sites or apps, WellHello offers a range of communication options to facilitate flirting and casual dating.
  • Profiles on WellHello showcase users' explicit desires and fantasies, catering specifically to those seeking intimate and adventurous encounters.
  • With an easy-to-use interface and a diverse member base, WellHello allows users to connect with like-minded individuals looking for non-committal experiences.

I have had the opportunity to explore the user profiles of other members on WellHello. These profiles provide a comprehensive overview of each member's interests, preferences, and what they are looking for. The profile pages are neatly organized with sections covering different aspects such as physical attributes, lifestyle choices, relationship goals, and more. Additionally, there is an option to upload multiple photos which helps give a better understanding of each person's appearance.

After closely examining various user profiles on WellHello, I now understand how to make my own profile stand out. It is crucial to include sufficient information about myself that accurately represents who I am and what I am seeking on this platform. Incorporating details about my hobbies, interests, and personal traits can help potential matches get a better sense of compatibility. Furthermore, uploading clear and attractive pictures will enhance my visibility among other members and increase the likelihood of making meaningful connections within the community.

  • Choose an eye-catching profile picture: A striking photo will grab attention and make your profile stand out in a sea of other users.
  • Write an engaging and unique bio: Craft a well-written, interesting bio that showcases your personality and interests, making you more memorable to potential matches.
  • Showcase your hobbies and passions: Including specific details about your favorite activities helps others get to know your interests, increasing the chance of finding like-minded individuals.
  • Be positive and upbeat: Presenting yourself in a positive light will attract others and create a favorable impression right from the start.
  • Highlight your best qualities: Focus on showcasing your strengths and what makes you special, leaving a lasting impact on anyone who views your profile.
  • Use humor when appropriate: Injecting some humor into your profile can reveal your fun side and make you more appealing to others.
  • Mention your goals and aspirations: Sharing your ambitions shows that you have drive and determination – attractive qualities that can help your profile shine.
  • Provide thorough and honest answers to profile questions: Being genuine and transparent will draw in those who appreciate authenticity and weed out people looking for superficial connections.
  • Include references or recommendations: If possible, add references or recommendations from friends or previous partners to boost credibility and trustworthiness.
  • Regularly update your profile: Keeping your profile fresh with new photos and updated information demonstrates that you are active, engaged, and serious about connecting with others.

Safety & Privacy

Safety and security are of utmost importance when using a dating platform like WellHello. WellHello takes user verification seriously by implementing a verification process, ensuring that users are genuine. Additionally, it actively combats bots and fake accounts to create a trustworthy environment for its members. For added protection, WellHello offers two-step verification, adding an extra layer of security to user accounts. Moreover, all uploaded photos on the platform undergo manual review to prevent any explicit or inappropriate content from being shared.

WellHello's privacy policy emphasizes the confidentiality and discretion of its users' personal information.

In terms of improving safety and security, there is always room for enhancements on any online platform. It would be beneficial if WellHello introduced more advanced security measures such as incorporating AI algorithms to identify potential fraudulent activities in real-time. Furthermore, increasing transparency regarding how user data is managed and stored could build trust among users even further. Overall, while WellHello prioritizes safety and security, continuous updates and vigilance would greatly contribute to maintaining a secure dating experience for all its users.

Fake Profiles

WellHello, like many online platforms, has been known to have a presence of fake profiles and bots. These accounts are created with the intention to deceive users and engage in fraudulent activities. They often use stolen or misleading photos along with generic information to appear more authentic. Bots, on the other hand, are automated programs programmed to send predetermined messages to users. It is important for users to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of profiles encountered on WellHello before engaging in any interactions.

  • Verify user profiles: Always check if a user's profile is properly verified before engaging with them. Look for credible signs of verification, such as badges or account verification ticks.
  • Be cautious of generic profiles: Watch out for profiles that have little to no information, generic images, or impersonal responses. Genuine users usually provide more specific details about themselves and their interests.
  • Report suspicious activity: If you encounter a profile that seems fake or exhibits suspicious behavior, report it to the platform administrators immediately. This helps to keep the community safe and ensures scammers are dealt with promptly.


Users can access support for WellHello through their website. They have a dedicated support page where users can find answers to commonly asked questions and submit inquiries via email. The response time for email inquiries is typically within 24 hours. Additionally, they provide a phone number that users can call for immediate assistance during business hours.

Overall, WellHello's support options are comprehensive compared to other alternatives, offering both email and phone support along with a frequently asked questions page for quick reference.

The availability of multiple avenues of support sets WellHello apart from its competitors, ensuring that users have various ways to seek assistance when needed. Whether it's emailing their inquiry or speaking directly with a representative over the phone, users can expect timely responses and guidance from WellHello's support team.


Alright folks, gather 'round because I have a bone to pick with WellHello. Now, let me just say that this dating app is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Seriously, it's like trying to find the Loch Ness monster - you're bound to end up disappointed and wondering why you even bothered. Picture this: You sign up for WellHello thinking it'll be the answer to all your romantic prayers, only to discover that it's more like a black hole sucking away your time and money. It's almost comical how quickly your hopes are dashed, kind of like when you try to catch a unicorn but end up chasing after an overgrown Shetland pony instead. Let's talk about the user experience here; or rather lack thereof. WellHello seems to think that confusing navigation and clunky design are charming features.

Sorry guys, but my idea of charm has nothing to do with clickin' around like a blindfolded squirrel playing Whac-A-Mole. Ain't nobody got time for that! Now don't get me started on the so-called "matches" you encounter on WellHello. They're about as compatible as oil and water – sure they might both exist in the same world, but they'll never mix well together. It's like going fishing with no bait; you're left reeling in disappointment before tossing them back into the sea of mediocrity. And speaking of disappointment, let me tell ya something – finding genuine connections on WellHello is rarer than finding Bigfoot riding Santa Claus through Times Square on New Year's Eve.

Sure, there may be some real users hidden amongst the masses, but good luck sifting through all those profiles that look shady enough to make Hansel and Gretel feel right at home. But hey, props where props are due - WellHello does excel at one thing...scams! Yep folks, if being bombarded with fake profiles and sleazy messages is your idea of a good time, then this app is the hottest ticket in town. It's like getting stuck in quicksand while holding a pocketful of fire ants – both painful and infuriating. So my dear readers, save yourself the trouble and avoid WellHello like that weird uncle at family gatherings who always insists on showing off his "collection" of toenail clippings. Your time, money, and sanity are way too valuable to waste on this digital equivalent of a tumbleweed rolling across an empty desert.

Video: WellHello review


1. Is WellHello legit?

WellHello is definitely not legit. From the moment I signed up, it was abundantly clear that this platform was filled with fake profiles and bots. The so-called "real" users were scarce, making it a complete waste of time for anyone looking for genuine connections.

2. Is WellHello worth it?

No way. WellHello is a complete waste of time and money. The site is filled with fake profiles, the messaging system is clunky, and you'll rarely find real people to connect with. Save yourself the headache and try other legitimate dating apps instead!

3. Is WellHello trustworthy?

Well, I've gotta be honest here - when it comes to trustworthiness, WellHello isn't exactly the most reliable dating site out there. From my experience and what I've heard from others, you're better off looking elsewhere for a more trustworthy option.

4. How many users does WellHello have?

WellHello? More like "Well, hellooooooo!" This online dating platform is stacked with users from all walks of life. With a massive user base that spans across the globe, you'll never run out of options to connect with.

5. How to find people on WellHello?

Finding people on WellHello is a breeze! Just click on the "Search" tab and customize your search filters based on age, location, interests, or even kinks. You'll be swiping through potential matches in no time!

6. Is WellHello working and can you find someone there?

Well, let me tell you firsthand that WellHello definitely works! I was able to find someone exciting and compatible right away. So if you're looking for some fun and potential connections, give it a shot!

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My name is Gil Melle, and living with a famous name is an adventure. Whenever I introduce myself, people ask, "The jazz musician?" I smile and say, "No, I'm a dating coach." In a bustling city, my office helps those seeking love. I also write for Hitwe, share tips on Brides By Mail, and run my website Gil Melle. Despite the confusion, I embrace my namesake and focus on helping people find the right rhythm in their love lives.

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