Altscene Review – Is It Any Good In 2024?

Last Updated 2023-07-18

Pros & Cons

  • - Altscene is a legit alt scene dating platform where you won't waste your time sifting through fake profiles like on other sites.
  • - It's perfect for meeting awesome alternative people who share your unique interests, making it easier to find someone truly compatible.
  • - With its badass search engine and option to create friend groups, Altscene takes online dating to a whole new level in the alternative scene.
  • 1. You'll encounter more fake profiles than alternative people on Altscene, which can make finding your perfect alt scene match feel like a daunting task.
  • 2. Compared to other sites, Altscene's search engine feels outdated and limited, making it hard to narrow down the pool of potential alternative matches.
  • 3. While promising the chance to create friend groups within the alternative scene, Altscene often falls short in delivering an engaging community experience for its users.

How Does Altscene Work? is a popular dating platform that caters to those with alternative lifestyles and interests. Launched in 2007, it was created as a space for individuals who are passionate about goth, punk, emo, or other subcultures to connect with like-minded people. On Altscene, users can find profiles of others who share their interests and preferences. Whether you're seeking friendship or romance, Altscene offers a diverse community where people can explore relationships regardless of sexual orientation.

One key feature of Altscene is its focus on providing an inclusive environment for individuals with different backgrounds and interests. Users have the freedom to express themselves through customizable profiles and personal blogs. The platform encourages interaction among members by allowing them to send messages, add friends, and comment on each other's posts. With its vibrant user base and easy-to-use interface, Altscene is the go-to dating app for those looking for connections within alternative scenes. Review: Does your heart beat louder when surrounded by distorted guitar riffs? If so, look no further than Altscene – an online haven for fans of alt-rock genres such as punk or emo! Developed in 2007 as a niche dating site catering to alternative lifestyles and tastes beyond vanilla variety coupling; pay your loyalty here instead! Goths unite alongside punks while exploring blossoming friendships or romantic sparks through profile searches based on shared passions or open discussions formed around customized blogs adorning every user's page.

How to Make Contact on Altscene

Are you looking for a dating app that caters to alternative lifestyles such as emo, goth, and punk? In this section of our review, we will delve into the contact options available on the platform, ensuring that users can connect based on their interests, sexual orientation, and unique preferences.

  • Altscene offers a platform for users to connect and interact with others who share similar interests in alternative lifestyles, such as emo dating, goth dating, or punk dating.
  • With a focus on promoting inclusivity, Altscene allows users to express their sexual orientation and preferences openly, creating an inclusive environment for individuals seeking connections.
  • As a dating app, Altscene provides various interactive features that enable users to chat, share photos, and form meaningful connections with like-minded individuals within the alternative community.

Altscene offers several options for users to connect with people who share their alternative lifestyles. Users can search for potential matches based on criteria such as age, location, and sexual orientation. There is also a "Near Me" feature that allows users to find people in their vicinity. Additionally, Altscene provides various communication tools like private messaging and chat rooms where members can engage in conversations with likeminded individuals.

To make contact on Altscene, users interested in emo dating, goth dating or punk dating can create a profile which includes information about themselves and what they are looking for in a partner. They can then browse through the profiles of other members using the search function or explore curated lists of suggested matches. Once they have found someone they would like to connect with, users can send them messages or initiate conversation via chat. Overall, Altscene serves as an inclusive platform catered towards those seeking connections within alternative communities through its easily accessible online space and user-friendly features reminiscent of a conventional dating app."

Registration Process

Are you an alternative individual looking to connect with like-minded people for alternative dating? Altscene is a popular online platform that caters to individuals who embrace the alternative lifestyle. The site consists of various features, including chat rooms and forums, where users can interact with others who share their interests, such as emo girls or those into the same music genres. When registering on Altscene, users have the option to upload as many photos as they want, making it easier to find potential matches with long black-haired girls or just friends who align with their preferences.

  • Go to the Altscene website and click on the "Register" button.
  • Fill out the registration form by providing your necessary details such as username, email address, and password. You can also mention your preferences or interests, such as alternative dating, just friends, and finding like-minded people.
  • Once registered, explore the site's features, which consist of various chat rooms where you can connect with others who share similar interests, like emo girls or individuals who enjoy the same music as you. Make sure to personalize your profile by adding as many photos as you desire, showcasing your personality or catching the attention of other users, including possibly long black-haired girls.

To begin creating a profile on Altscene, an alternative dating site, individuals can connect with like-minded people who share similar music preferences. The site consists of chat rooms where one can find long black-haired girls and participate in discussions about various topics. When setting up a profile, users have the option to upload as many photos as they desire to showcase their personality to potential matches.

To create a profile on Altscene:

  1. Register on the Altscene website using an email address.
  2. Complete the registration form with your personal details, such as username, age, gender, and location.
  3. Log in to your account using the credentials you provided during registration.
  4. After logging in, navigate to your profile settings or dashboard.
  5. Fill in additional information about yourself, including interests, hobbies, and music preferences.
  6. Write a brief bio describing your personality, what you're looking for, and your reasons for joining Altscene.
  7. Customize your profile by uploading a profile picture that represents you well.
  8. Browse through the site's various features, such as chat rooms, forums, and other activity sections.
  9. Start connecting with like-minded people by engaging in conversations and discussions within the community.
  10. Utilize the search function to find individuals who share similar interests or alternative dating preferences.
  11. Consider adding as many relevant photos as possible to showcase your personality and interests.
  12. Use filters or specific keywords, such as "emo girls" or "long black-haired girls," to narrow down profiles matching your preferences.
  13. Interact respectfully and openly with other members to foster meaningful connections.
  14. Be transparent about your intentions, whether you are looking for friendship, casual dating, or something more serious.
  15. Regularly update your profile and stay active on the site to increase your visibility and chances of finding suitable matches.

Note: Altscene focuses on alternative dating and aims to connect individuals who share similar interests, especially those interested in alternative music and culture. The platform offers chat room functionality, allowing users to engage in conversations with like-minded people.

Interface & Design

The interface of Altscene is clean and user-friendly, allowing members to navigate the platform effortlessly. The design features a sleek and modern aesthetic, with a focus on simplicity and functionality. The intuitive layout ensures that users can easily access all the necessary tools and features without feeling overwhelmed.

Altscene's design incorporates clear labeling and intuitive icons, enabling users to quickly understand how to interact with different elements of the website. The color scheme used in the interface is visually appealing, striking a balance between vibrant tones and soft hues. Overall, Altscene's interface has been thoughtfully designed to provide an enjoyable user experience while ensuring efficient usage of its various functions for connecting individuals with similar alternative interests.

What I Liked as a User

During my six months using Altscene, I found that the dating website provided a platform to connect with other like-minded individuals. The registration process was straightforward and hassle-free, allowing me to quickly create an account and begin exploring the site's features.

One aspect of Altscene that I appreciated was the absence of fake accounts, which made interactions with other members feel more genuine and sincere. Additionally, there were a diverse range of female members on the site who shared similar interests and preferences, providing an opportunity to make new friends or potentially find a compatible partner based on sexual preference.

  • Altscene has a strict policy against fake accounts, ensuring that the community is genuine and trustworthy. I appreciate this aspect as it creates a safe space where I can meet real people who share similar interests and values. It greatly reduces the chances of encountering catfishing or deceptive individuals, making my overall experience more authentic.

  • The platform has a diverse range of female members. This inclusivity is commendable, as it provides an equal opportunity for everyone to connect with potential friends or partners, regardless of their gender identity. It broadens the possibilities of finding like-minded individuals and contributes to a vibrant and engaging community.

  • Altscene allows users to make new friends based on shared interests and passions. This feature facilitates meaningful connections beyond just romantic relationships. Through the platform, I have been able to expand my social circle and forge valuable friendships with people who understand and appreciate my alternative lifestyle choices. It offers a supportive environment where you can find companionship and camaraderie.

  • The registration process on Altscene is straightforward and hassle-free. With a quick and easy signup process, I was able to join the community in no time. This efficiency adds to the overall user experience by eliminating any unnecessary steps or complications. It ensures that users can quickly start exploring the platform, connecting with others, and enjoying its features without any frustration.

  • Altscene boasts a diverse membership base, comprising individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life. This diversity enriches the conversations and interactions within the community, providing opportunities to learn from others' experiences and perspectives. Engaging with other members has broadened my horizons and allowed me to form connections with people I might not have encountered otherwise.


Altscene offers both free and paid features to its users. The site provides an array of advanced features for users to explore, such as the browsing feature that allows them to search for like-minded individuals based on specific criteria. This browsing feature works efficiently by filtering through profiles and presenting the most relevant matches to users. Additionally, Altscene stands out with its unique focus on alternative dating, catering to a niche audience interested in meeting people who share similar interests.

Altscene has received positive feedback from many users who have successfully found real dates through the platform. However, it is important to note that negative reviews exist as well, just like with many other dating sites. Overall, if you are looking for a platform that caters specifically to alternative daters and offers efficient matching algorithms alongside various advanced features, Altscene could be worth exploring.

  • AltScene is a unique site designed for like-minded individuals who prefer alternative lifestyles.
  • This site offers advanced features that enhance the user experience and provide better matching opportunities.
  • AltScene has an innovative browsing feature that allows users to find compatible matches based on specific criteria.
  • The browsing feature works efficiently, enabling users to quickly find a potential partner with similar interests.
  • Unlike other sites, AltScene attracts a diverse community with the presence of most girls, ensuring a balanced gender ratio.
  • Despite some negative reviews about other sites, AltScene stands out as a reliable platform that aims to connect real individuals for genuine dates.


With a paid subscription to Altscene, users find additional benefits such as unlimited messaging and access to exclusive features. The prices are competitive compared to other options on the market, making it an affordable choice for those seeking alternative singles or emo singles. While you can use Altscene without paying, the free version has limited functionality and may not provide the same experience as a paid subscription. Accepted payment methods include credit cards, PayPal, and other secure online payment platforms.

Altscene provides a range of pricing options for its users, ensuring that they have flexibility in choosing a plan that suits their needs. This allows them to connect with like-minded individuals without feeling like they're being ripped off. Even though some may find it possible to use Altscene without paying anything at all, many opt for the added benefits of a paid subscription which enhances their overall experience on the platform.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic Membership Free - Create a profile and upload photos
- Search and browse other profiles
- Send flirts to show interest in other members
Premium Membership $9.99/month - All features of Basic Membership
- Unlimited messaging with other members
- See who viewed your profile and liked your photos
VIP Membership $14.99/month - All features of Premium Membership
- Highlighted profile to stand out from others
- Advanced search filters for better matches
Booster Pack $4.99/month - Increase visibility in search results by appearing at the top
- Get a boost in popularity and receive more attention from other users
Incognito Mode $2.99/month - Browse profiles anonymously without being visible to other users
Ad-Free Experience $1.99/month - Enjoy Altscene without any display ads

Free Services

  • Altscene offers free services for users to find and connect with emo singles, alternative singles, and other like-minded individuals.
  • It provides a platform where users can meet and interact with others who share similar interests without any charge.
  • Unlike some websites that may try to rip off their users, Altscene ensures that its services are completely free of cost.
  • Users can create profiles, search for matches, and communicate with other members without having to pay anything.

Paid Services

  • Altscene offers paid services for users to find and connect with emo singles and alternative singles who share similar interests.
  • The paid features allow users to enhance their profile visibility and get more exposure to other users.
  • Altscene provides additional messaging options and the ability to send unlimited messages to potential matches.
  • The paid services include advanced search filters that help users narrow down their search to find compatible partners.
  • There are no hidden costs or unexpected charges, ensuring a transparent experience and no rip-offs.

Premium membership on Altscene offers a significant advantage over its free counterpart, making it much easier for users to connect with emo and alternative singles. With premium access, users find that the platform provides enhanced search filters and advanced matching algorithms, allowing them to quickly discover compatible matches among other users. In contrast, relying solely on the free version often leads to frustration due to limited features and a higher likelihood of encountering scams or rip-offs.

Profile Quality and User Base

  • Altscene offers a distinct platform where individuals with alternative musical tastes can showcase their unique preferences.
  • Unlike other sites, Altscene caters specifically to gothic singles, providing them an exclusive space to connect and interact.
  • Users on Altscene have the opportunity to discover like-minded individuals who share their love for gothic music and fashion choices.
  • Altscene provides a platform where users can find proof that their individuality is celebrated and embraced within a supportive community.

When browsing the user profiles on Altscene, I've come across a diverse range of musical tastes. Some members express their love for alternative rock bands such as Bauhaus and The Cure, while others are into industrial or metal genres like Nine Inch Nails or Slipknot. It's interesting to see how people's music preferences can shape their identity on this platform.

While exploring the profiles, I noticed that many gothic singles seem to be active on Altscene. These individuals often showcase their unique sense of style through carefully curated photos and descriptions. They frequently mention attending goth events or hanging out at local alternative clubs, indicating a vibrant subculture within the community.

Overall, going through various user profiles has given me valuable insights into what stands out in an Altscene profile. By incorporating my favorite bands and sharing my experiences related to music events and sites, I can personalize my profile further and provide evidence of my interests. Whether it's showcasing specific album collections or discussing memorable concert moments with fellow enthusiasts, now I have a better understanding of how to make my profile truly distinctive among other members' listings on Altscene.

  • Showcase unique and eclectic musical tastes: Including a diverse range of music genres and artists in your profile helps grab attention and demonstrates individuality, increasing the chances of standing out among other profiles.
  • Mention specific sites or events related to alternative or gothic culture: Referencing specific platforms or gatherings shows active involvement in the scene, making your profile more appealing and relevant to other gothic singles.
  • Share anecdotes or personal stories linking musical tastes to identity: Sharing experiences and narratives that tie your musical preferences to your personality can help create relatable connections and make your profile more memorable.
  • Use vivid language and expressive descriptions: Using descriptive and passionate language when discussing your musical interests can convey enthusiasm and engage others who share similar passions, helping your profile shine.
  • Include proof of your musical inclinations through photos or videos: Posting visual content featuring concerts attended, vinyl collections, or playing instruments provides tangible evidence of your dedication to music, making your profile more authentic and captivating.

Safety & Privacy

Safety and security are of utmost importance when it comes to online platforms like Altscene. The website values its users' safety by implementing a verification process upon registration. Moreover, Altscene works diligently to combat the presence of bots and fake accounts, ensuring a genuine user experience. For added protection, individuals have the option to enable two-step verification for their accounts.

As an added layer of security, all photos uploaded on Altscene are manually reviewed, guaranteeing compliance with community guidelines and privacy policies.

While Altscene prioritizes safety measures within its platform, there is always room for improvement in terms of enhancing overall security features. Regular audits and updates could further strengthen protection against potential threats commonly encountered on the internet. By proactively addressing any vulnerabilities that might arise over time, Altscene can continue providing a secure environment where users can freely browse profiles, send messages, discover new music sections, connect with favorite bands or make friends while having peace of mind about their personal data's confidentiality.

Fake Profiles

Altscene is a dating website that offers a free platform for users to connect with people who share their taste in music. However, it is crucial to be aware of the presence of fake profiles and bots on this site. To start browsing, users should exercise caution when engaging with other profiles.

Some accounts may not be genuine and are created solely to deceive or scam others. It is important to thoroughly evaluate potential matches before initiating any contact or sending messages on Altscene. Additionally, users can utilize features like favorite bands and music sections to find friends with similar interests and send flirts as an initial conversation starter, but always double-check the authenticity of these profiles in order to avoid falling victim to internet scams.

  • Be cautious and observant while browsing: Stay alert for any suspicious profiles or accounts that seem too good to be true, especially if they claim to be "free."
  • Verify authenticity before messaging: Before you start sending messages on Altscene, take the time to check out the user's profile thoroughly. Look for genuine information such as real pictures, detailed personal descriptions, favorite bands, or musical interests. This can help you differentiate between fake profiles and legitimate users who share your interests.
  • Interact with friends and trusted users: Establish connections and engage with known users or mutual friends on the website. Building relationships with trustworthy individuals can not only enhance your dating experience but also reduce the chances of encountering fake profiles or bots. You can even consider sending flirts or initiate conversations with people you trust from outside the internet to ensure a more genuine connection.


Users can access the support of Altscene through several channels. They can visit the support page on the Altscene website, where they will find information on contacting support via email or phone. The response time for queries submitted through these channels is typically within 24 hours. Additionally, Altscene provides a comprehensive FAQ page that addresses common questions and concerns.

With its various means of contact and quick response time, Altscene's support stands out compared to other alternatives.

Altscene offers accessible and prompt assistance to users seeking support. Whether it be through their dedicated support page with options to contact them via email or phone, or their informative FAQ section addressing common queries - users are provided with ample avenues for help. Compared to other alternatives, Altscene stands out by providing efficient and reliable customer support services.


Alright folks, gather 'round and let me give you the lowdown on this so-called dating app called Altscene. Alright, picture this: you're in a crowded bar looking for that special someone, hoping to find your own little slice of romance pie. Then suddenly, out of nowhere comes Altscene, strutting its stuff like it's the hottest thing since sliced bread. But let me tell you something folks, don't waste your time or your hard-earned cash on this dud. Now I've been around the virtual dating block more times than I care to admit - trust me when I say I've seen it all. So when it comes to assessing whether a dating site or app is worth even a millisecond of my attention, I ain't messing around. Let's dive into the murky waters of Altscene and see what we can uncover.

Firstly, their user base is as thin as a supermodel on a juice cleanse. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack filled with hay-colored needles – good luck finding someone who even remotely fits your preferences. And if that wasn't enough to put you off faster than eating fish in public transport (seriously people, just don't), let's talk about the actual functionality here. Altscene seems to think they've got some secret formula for creating matches but spoiler alert: there ain't no magic happening behind those neon-lit screens. I'd rather take my chances finding true love by surfing through an ocean of cat videos because at least then I'll get some laughs along the way! Plus, if anything goes wrong, blame it on cats being sneaky devils – no harm done. Now listen up ya'll cause here comes the kicker – they have the audacity to charge users money for their lackluster services!

Seriously? You want us poor daters desperately searching for companionship to fork over our dough for subpar results? I'd rather toss my money into a wishing well, at least there's a chance of something good happening. So to sum it all up, Altscene is like that blind date your friend set you up with – you had high hopes but ended up wallowing in disappointment faster than you can say "I've made a huge mistake." Save yourself the trouble and avoid this disaster of an app. Instead, go out there and seize the dating world by storm. Swipe right on life, my friends!

Video: Altscene review


1. Is Altscene legit?

Altscene is totally legit! It’s a great platform for alternative individuals looking to connect with like-minded people. With its user-friendly interface and active community, you can be sure to find genuine connections and explore your unique interests.

2. How to use Altscene without paying?

No worries, mate! To use Altscene without splurging any cash, simply create an account for free, add some cool photos of yourself and fill out your profile with interesting deets. Then go ahead and start browsing and chatting with other like-minded peeps completely gratis! Enjoy the scene!

3. How does Altscene website work?

Altscene is super easy to use, dude! You simply create a profile and start browsing through awesome alternative singles. Plus, you can connect with like-minded people through their live chat feature - it's rockin'!

4. Is Altscene a scam?

Nah, Altscene ain't a scam. I gave it a shot and had some decent conversations with like-minded people who appreciate alternative music and lifestyles. They even offer free features so you can test the waters before committing.

5. How to register for Altscene?

To register for Altscene, simply go to their website and click on the "Sign Up" button. Fill in your basic information like a username, email address, password, etc. Confirm your email by clicking on the link they send you, and voila! You're ready to rock the alternative dating scene!

6. How to find people on Altscene?

Finding people on Altscene is super easy-peasy! All you gotta do is create a profile, browse through the awesome profiles of fellow alt-lovers, and start messaging your potential punk rock soulmates. Easy as pie, dude!

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My name is Gil Melle, and living with a famous name is an adventure. Whenever I introduce myself, people ask, "The jazz musician?" I smile and say, "No, I'm a dating coach." In a bustling city, my office helps those seeking love. I also write for Hitwe, share tips on Brides By Mail, and run my website Gil Melle. Despite the confusion, I embrace my namesake and focus on helping people find the right rhythm in their love lives.

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