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Somsri Kaewkhao

From Phitsanulok, Thailand
Age: 20 y.o.
Height: 5'54" / 152.4 cm
Weight: 109 lbs / 49 kg
Marital status: Never been married
Ethnicity: Asian
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Member ID: 794514
About Me

I am a woman who goes by the name Somsri Kaewkhao, standing at 5'4" tall, and hailing from the quaint town of Phitsanulok. As a Taurus, I value stability, loyalty, and sensuality in relationships. Coming from a traditional Thai cultural background, I hold my religious beliefs close to my heart and treasure the values of respect, family, and hard work that I was brought up with. Important life lessons have taught me to appreciate the small moments, be open-minded, and always strive for personal growth. With long dark hair, captivating brown eyes, and a warm smile, my physical features often catch the eye of those around me. In terms of lifestyle habits, I maintain a healthy balance between work and play, as I pursue a career in marketing in the bustling city of Bangkok. In my free time, you can find me indulging in my hobbies of reading, exploring new cafes, and attending social events with friends. Having completed my education with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, I now reside in Bangkok where I enjoy the vibrant city life it has to offer. My interests range from being a party animal to a bookworm; I possess a mix of traits that include being both shy and extroverted, depending on the situation. In a partner, I am drawn to someone who is confident yet considerate, humorous but understanding. It would be ideal for them to share some of my interests such as enjoying a night out dancing or staying in with a good book. Above all, honesty, kindness, and a passion for life are qualities that I admire and seek in a potential match.

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Party animal, Book worm, Shy, Extrovert
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